Do you know where you are going? I sometimes ask people the tired question about where they see themselves in five years. You would be surprised at what I hear back. Many haven’t really thought about it. Many more have only a vague sense of what they want their future to look like. Look, it’s not that you need to have everything crystallized, but if you don’t know where you are going, then how can you help your team members chart their own course? Yeah, I know. Some people will say, “not my problem.” I would proffer that it should be your problem. At least in some way. Leaders get the best from their people when they help those people plan for their future. And, breaking news, that plan may not include working on your team. Great! Now we are finally being honest. Every professional I have met wants to improve. Help them chart the course. If you get to keep a superstar for 2-3 years before they move on, it will be a great 2-3 years. Over time, you will earn a reputation as a real pro. Superstars like working with other superstars.
First day of the rest of your life or all downhill from here
"Every day is better than the next." I missed it the first time I heard this line in the movie, "There's Something About Mary." This time, I got it. After laughing I realized something. I have spent years of my life on the wrong side of the equation. "Every day is...