+1 (425) 442-3274 jonathan@sandcastlecompany.com
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The Culture+ Blog

Insights to help you create a compelling and connected culture

Leaders make first impressions

Option 1 – you start at a new company. On the first day you fill out a ream of papers for HR. The computer in your unadorned cubicle is not hooked up yet, and your login credentials are coming “later today.” Your coworkers appear to be super busy and a few people say hi in passing. Your new boss drops by and starts immediately talking about the projects that are awaiting you. 

Option 2 – you start at a new organization. Your boss greets you at door as you arrive. The team has been prepped that you are coming and they signed a card for you. You are brought back to your space that has a welcome gift, a computer that is ready to go, and login credentials on a Post It. All of the HR paperwork has been filled out for you ahead of time, so all they need are a few signatures. Your boss has lined up a few softballs for you get started on, and later that day there is a department lunch where you can meet everyone. Later you learn about the company and its history. You learn about its mission and why its important. You learn about why your work is valuable. You learn the strategies and metrics.

Now, both of these are over the top. (I get it!) But, which is closer to the right treatment for that hard-won superstar you probably spent thousands of dollars to find and hire?

by Jonathan

Jonathan Wilson is the CEO of Sandcastle, a leadership training and development consultancy. He frequently speaks and writes about building high performance teams. Jonathan regularly presents his latest findings and insights to business and government leaders at local, state, and national association events (both in-person and virtual). His first book, Future Leader: Rebooting Leadership to Win the Millennial and Tech Future is available now.

Tagged: Leadership

Published on: February 22, 2019

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