Select Speaking Reels
Thanks for presenting a fabulous session!
Frank S.
PSMJ Resources, Inc.
Select Speaking Reels
“Marathon Work”
The Culture Advantage – Keynote Presentation
What makes culture so hard to change is the same thing that gives it all its strength. Culture is designed to help us navigate uncertainty. It is big and thick and resistant to change. If we want to make changes, especially if we want to make big changes, we have to be prepared for the marathon. Culture change takes time. For those of us willing to keep going, we will see all the benefits.
“The Punch”
The New Leader Way – Presentation
Each of us are unbelievably talented at assigning meaning to others’ actions. The problem is that often we just get it wrong. What we assume is happening is not intended. And as the story of The Punch describes, these assumptions have consequences.
“Ceremonial Fire”
Future Leader – Presentation
What do the Baby Boomers want? What do Millennials want? How can we get every generation in the workforce working together? The fact is that the demographics of the workforce are changing. For organizations to effectively compete in the years ahead means we must make inter-generational teamwork a key focus in our leadership approach.
“The Problem”
Turnover Zero – Presentation
Each of us wants to do great work. Work that makes us feel like we are giving it all we have. But to do that work we must have a great team surrounding us. We know that to reach our potential we need people! So, how do we do it?
“Context and Coffee”
Future Leader – Presentation
We have a contextual problem at work. Too many on our team know what we do, but not why we do it or why it matters. For leaders looking to move the younger generations we must consistently tie together the “what” and the “why.” That will improve motivation and it will improve results.
Most well thought out and developed session I attended, very engaging, concise, meaningful and helpful-obvious that you were well prepared on how to engage and deliver good info to a room of adults.