Your Culture is Your Only Lasting Competitive Advantage
Presentations on building a culture of deeply connected and productive professionals
Deep Culture
The Roadmap to Belonging, Engagement, and Productivity Post Covid
Keynote or Breakout Presentation
Make culture your #1 competitive advantage
Session Synopsis
Eighty-eight (88%) of employees and 94% of executives believe a strong firm culture is the key to success. Two-Thirds (66%) of prospective employees say that culture and core values are the most important factors when considering career opportunities. Getting the incredible people you need starts with developing an incredible culture. The fact is, culture is the competitive differentiator when it comes to attracting, engaging, and retaining superstar team members.
We know that culture is important but it’s also elusive. Only about 1 in 4 executives say they understand it. Is it happy employees? Is it happy hours? Is it hybrid work? One study noted that firms with high performance cultures out-earned other firms by 756% over 11 years. An intentional culture is the master key to high productivity, retention, morale, referrals, and exceptional profitability.
We often overlook the value of culture on incentivizing and sustaining high performance teams. By the end of this session you will see the links between culture, teamwork, and results that your competitors miss, and you will leave well-equipped to create your own high-performance culture.
Learning Objectives
By the end of this session attendees will be able to:
1. Clearly define culture: Summarize the role of culture in building high performance teams.
2. Identify cultural pitfalls: Examine the key culture-busting behaviors many leaders unintentionally make that frustrate teamwork.
3. Supercharge cultural change: Employ key cultural change initiatives that will reshape your employees’ experience, promote cohesion, and set the stage for meaningful teamwork.
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Keynote (25 min or 55 min)
Breakout (25 min or 55 min)
Option to customize time
Public Agency Leadership
Private Organization Leadership
C-Suite (CEO, COO, CHRO, etc.)
Vice President
Mid-Level Manager
Department or Division Manager
Team Leaders
Free Resources for Attendees
Strategy Guide Ebook
Special Concept Deck
Part I of Future Leader Book
Most well thought out and developed session I attended, very engaging, concise, meaningful and helpful-obvious that you were well prepared on how to engage and deliver good info to a room of adults.
Lauren L.
Recent LIVE Event
Speaking Principles
The three principles that inform my approach to every event
Speaking Principle 1
Serve the Host
I want you to love working with me. To that end you can expect fast email and text responses (I even make phone calls!). You can also expect a quick turnaround on any marketing materials or agreement requests. I show up to sound checks on time and treat everybody involved with the event with respect. You can expect one flat fee instead of being charged for multiple, variable expenses (like per diems or transportation). You can also expect me to hang around and meet with audience members to sign books, take pictures, or simply chat about their experiences.
Speaking Principle 2
Serve the Audience
A 100x return on the time and money invested. The fact is we could be doing almost anything else than congregating and listening to a speaker. I realize the audience is paying a steep opportunity cost to be in the room and I design each experience accordingly. My goal is to be entertaining, inspiring, and educational. The audience will leave both feeling good and armed with concrete next actions they can implement right away. By blending stories, statistics, humor, and clear actions, audience members can expect a huge return on their investment.
Speaking Principle 3
Be High Energy and Have Fun
Smile more! We have all sat through presentations that scraped bottom. The speaker was disconnected and maybe bored. The audience was lost. The content was lacking. I have attended enough of these sessions that I have vowed to do it different. In response I created the “high energy, have fun” approach. You can expect an energetic and engaging experience that encourages audience members to switch from “listen only mode” to full engagement. When the content is excellent and we are both in the moment, anything is possible. Let’s be serious about learning without taking ourselves too seriously. We can have fun and create a plan for putting the best ideas to work.
Make your event just a bit better!
(while making it just a bit easier)
Tremendous energy and excitement for building culture. Provided fantastic insight and a path to develop and improve culture and employee engagement.
What others have said…
Jonathan has dedicated time and research to understanding this unprecedented change in human history. The first time generational shift has faced such rapid technological advance. Jonathan’s outline of the future of leadership resonated completely. His passion for improving leadership is evident whenever he speaks on the subject. He has positioned himself as the expert that I will turn to often as this social change continues to impact us all.
Jonathan Wilson is an incredibly engaging and energetic speaker! In this age of rapidly changing technology and demographics, Jonathan provides a clear roadmap to overcome barriers that threaten your business’ success. Through analogies and storytelling, his relatable presentation delivered an action plan that will immediately start improving the way we communicate and interact with one another.
Great information, great presentation! The forces of generations and technology are reshaping our workplaces, and it’s clear that we need change how we lead to keep up. Jonathan’s message about the future of leadership was well received by our members. He did a great job at our meeting.