+1 (425) 442-3274 jonathan@sandcastlecompany.com
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The absent scorecard

“How many of you know whether your organization is truly advancing, treading water, or losing ground?” I asked that question at a presentation I gave a few weeks back on the future of leadership. Not one hand went up. If you ever watched sport, then you...

Expect it to break

It broke and I expected it to break. It wasn’t always this way. I used to think, for whatever reason, that if I were simply smart enough and diligent enough and careful enough and enough-enough that things wouldn’t break. The equipment wouldn’t...

Done vs. done-done

The difference between “done” and “done-done” is usually that last five percent. That last five percent of a project. The last couple of weeks of the semester. The punch list. You know when you have reached “done” when you feel the...

Serving the customer

I once heard an airport professional say that his job was to “get people to stop talking to him” (paraphrase). The idea being that if someone is talking to him, then there is something wrong at his airport. If nobody was talking to him, then there was...

The Boogeyman lives in change

The unspoken rationale we eventually settled on was that “he knows the organization,” “he knows the work,” and (most importantly), “we know him.” With those three truths, we let a very nice, very affable, but underperforming...