Feedback is not truth, it’s perspective.
It’s easy for us to instantly categorize feedback as truth. Our boss gives us some feedback after our presentation, well that must be true! Website reviews? True. The feedback we give to our spouses or kids? True.
But, in fact, it is all just opinions. Opinions that are based on the facts the feedback-giver has, which are usually incomplete.
So, should we disregard the feedback? Absolutely not! If somebody takes the time to offer it up, we should listen closely and with an open mind. But in between “pure truth” and “just another opinion” may be the seeds of aha!
(BTW “Seeds of Aha!” might be the best band name ever… Feel free to steal.)
Seeds of aha are those little nuggets of perspective that may help us spark a new idea, or see something in a new light. And that is where all the value of feedback exists. Not in blindly following it like it were truth, but in excavating it for any nuggets of value.