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The Culture+ Blog

Insights to help you create a compelling and connected culture

The simple test to know if it’s actually a core value

How do you know it’s a core value?

It must cost you something.

Netflix says one of their core values is “Integrity: You only say things about fellow employees that you say to their face.” Adhering to this one core value meant firing three senior film marketing executives, which is, according to the Hollywood Reporter, “half of their staff at that level.”

So, now Netflix has three senior open positions to fill. Costly (and time consuming). They were working on projects which may get derailed for some time. Costly. Work will shift to others which may create a temporary morale hit. Costly. Netflix will have opportunity costs because of reduced staff. Costly. New people will require time in position before they are fully contributing. Costly.

All this cost! And for what?!? Some core value?

Yes. And It’s a cost we all should be eager to pay.


Because the cost of any core value is actually an investment into the culture.

Netflix has made an investment. For the thousands of others in the company, the message is has been made clear once again. “We take our core values seriously.” And with this proclamation Netflix has just purchased solutions to hundreds of similar but unrealized future problems.

So, how do we know it’s a core value?

It has to cost us something…

At least in the short term. Over the long term, though, standing up for core values is always our best cultural investment.

by Jonathan

Jonathan Wilson is the CEO of Sandcastle, a leadership training and development consultancy. He frequently speaks and writes about building high performance teams. Jonathan regularly presents his latest findings and insights to business and government leaders at local, state, and national association events (both in-person and virtual). His first book, Future Leader: Rebooting Leadership to Win the Millennial and Tech Future is available now.

Published on: July 19, 2021

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