Humans have honed one skill over all others in the past 250,000 years since cohabitation became a life saving necessity. That skill? The ability to instantly sniff out other people’s BS.
The instant we pick up on the faint signal that someone feels disingenuous about what they say, we know it. No display of confidence can overrule what we know to be true. Save that deliberate eye contact for the dog.
The bugger for leaders is that we turn up our radar sensitivity when they are around. “Any BS here?”
Here’s my entire counsel for other leaders based on my early career ignorance about trying to spin the truth. “Just tell the whole truth even if you think you will look stupid.”
We all know when the truth is being overly shined for our consumption. Instead, just let the truth be what it is.
We all know when our leaders don’t know something. Instead of faking an answer just say “I don’t know.”
We all know when you have something to say but then hesitate. Instead, just kindly let the sentiment out.
Leadership is an emotionally expensive endeavor. It’s supposed to be.