How gracious can you be?
That email with just enough snark. The person who is 10 minutes late to your virtual meeting. The “correction” somebody offered you that makes no real difference.
How many times can you smile and let it pass by?
The problem with COVID-19 and WFH and shutdowns is that it occupies space in our psychology. We are carrying a brick of Worry, Tired, Fear. Could be about our jobs or our families or our friends or everything mixed together.
Because our psychological space has limits, that WTF brick, depending on how big yours is, can eat up room that used to be dedicated to things like patience and grace.
So you might be feeling less patient. Little slights may be getting under your skin faster. People annoy you more frequently.
Despite all of that, how gracious can you be?
Start here: Assess your general level of patience of graciousness. Is this normal for you?