What are you doing that is Oscars worthy?
Not talking about acting.
Instead, I am talking about that one project you have been pouring yourself into. Maybe you have one big initiative that has taken up residence in your mind and time on your calendar.
I am talking about that special thing. That thing you deserve some recognition for because it’s going to be awesome.
What is that project for you?
Most of what we do everyday (actors included) is not Oscars worthy. It’s little work. Making the calls. Attending the meetings. Replying to the emails. Responding to the whirlwind. Trying to inch our lives ahead.
The appeal of little work is irrefutable. It’s clear, it’s fast, it’s relatively easy. But there are no awards for “most emails dealt with.” Nobody will give you a blue ribbon for “most meetings attended.”
Tomorrow focus a little more on your Oscars worthy work. It’s the only work anybody will remember.