People who create have a problem. When we are revealing our work to an audience, we start talking. We think we need to explain what is happening, what our thought process was, why this thing exists, and why you should like it. We desperately want you to like it! You like it, right?
Why do we do this? If you don’t like it, then you don’t like us. That’s the logic at least. So, the artist helps us like it by giving us context. Thank you for that! What started out as context, though, can quickly morph into armor.
If your job requires some level of art (and most jobs nowadays require some level of art), then there is an inclination to explain your art and everything that is behind your art.
I would encourage you to do the opposite. Provide just enough context (or no context at all) and then shut up and let the audience take it in. Let them experience what you have created. Let them ask questions. Let your art do the talking.