The Culture+ Blog
Insights to help you create a compelling and connected culture
High-performance teams come from high-performance cultures
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“How can I mentor if everybody is remote?”
LinkedIn Micro-Poll Key Insights: More than half of us are back in the office in a meaningful way.A strong third of us are keeping it 100% remote. This info from a micro-poll I posted last week on LinkedIn. The biggest objection I hear about remote work is how it impedes real time over-the-shoulder coaching. Well, yes, I suppose it's because there are no shoulders to overhang when someone is remote. But, having worked out in the world for a long time in positions that would benefit from this...
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I Made Up This Ridiculous Stickiness Spectrum for Your Firm’s Core Values
Does your firm have core values? How would you characterize them using this stickiness spectrum? 0- Sasquatch: Some in the firm believe they exist, but there is no proof. 1- Pure Teflon: Core values in single words on your website. 2- Firefighter Pole: Core values in...
The performance paradox and what’s required as we get older
Did you watch the PGA Championship yesterday? Phil Mickelson finished strong to win his fifth major. There are so many story lines, but the most fascinating was his remarks to the Golf Channel guys after the event. Paraphrasing he said that older guys like him can...
Pay and benefits are only half of the equation to attracting, retaining, and engaging superstar professionals
Did you see BofA is raising their minimum wage to $25 by 2025? Good on them. A job there would put someone over $50k a year. But, what's behind the change? Certainly it's not plain benevolence. From a BofA press release: "A core tenet of responsible growth is...
The surprising benefit of learning how to articulate your firm’s culture
91% of managers say cultural fit is more important than skills or experience. Conversely, only about 1 in 4 managers say they understand what their culture is. Say what? For many, culture is like porn. Well, in the sense that one Supreme Court justice put it years...
Forget “fit.” Instead, hire people who extend your firm’s culture
You have narrowed it down to three applicants. All three are equivalently qualified for the open position. All three did well in the interviews. All three got approving nods from others in your firm. You have one open position. Who do you choose? The answer is the one...
A/E/C Firms: Prepare for the Grand Reshuffle Now
The Grand Reshuffling is coming to an A/E/C firm near you! Are you excited? I guess it depends on what side of the table you sit on. For employees, opportunities will abound in the latter half of this year before they ignite in 2021. For employers, get ready to...
The sound of your work eulogy
What would your work eulogy sound like? Maybe that opener sounds a bit morbid. The idea isn't about dying, it's about what remains when we move on from our organizations. What would the people we left behind say about us? What would they continue doing that we...
The 737-MAX has a trust problem
The 737-MAX is back in action! Now, if you had to board one tonight how you feel? Would it soothe you to know that the FAA Administrator said he was "100% confident" in the airplane? Would you rest easy knowing that there are new pilot training requirements and the...
How gracious can you be?
How gracious can you be? That email with just enough snark. The person who is 10 minutes late to your virtual meeting. The "correction" somebody offered you that makes no real difference. How many times can you smile and let it pass by? The problem with COVID-19 and...
Patience is allowing
Patience is allowing. I have been meditating on patience for a few moments each morning over the past two weeks. I have been running low on it. The insight was that patience is a bridge between reality and our expectations. We want things to be a certain way, and...
Mindfulness, meditation, relaxation – A moment of peace amid the anxiety
10 minutes of relaxation, meditation, or mindfulness twice per day. Read an article about the meditation app maker Headspace today. The co-founder noted that twice a day they partake in a 10-15 minute mindfulness break. As in, everybody stops fretting about, they...
Resetting the score each day to 0-0
A different way to keep score in your relationships: Every morning, reset all scores to 0-0.Do you keep score? Come on... Be honest. Who owes you something? It feels normal to keep score. Especially when we are "up" in any relationship. That special thing you did for...