The Culture+ Blog
Insights to help you create a compelling and connected culture
High-performance teams come from high-performance cultures
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Why is there a surplus of people in real estate instead of your industry?
"There's almost a surplus of people coming to real estate." Interesting article in the New York Times today talking about the pandemic boom in new real estate agents. Where many of us are experiencing "worker shortages," real estate is attracting tons of interest. Why? And what concepts can we steal from real estate to drive interest in our organizations? The fast answer to the question of why is money. Real estate agents are paid on commission. Home prices are way up and homes are...
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A sprinkling of leadership
If you are a technician (somebody who does a discreet function in an organization) and you accept a promotion to a leadership role, it doesn’t mean you remain a technician with a sprinkling of people stuff. It means you become the people person who also has to do a...
What we actually mean when we respond to others that we are “busy”
I am starting a personal mission to remove the word "busy" from my standard response when someone asks me how things are going. I have been replying with this overused word for more years than I care to admit. "Oh, you're the one who is busy?" We are all busy! I have...
Perks don’t negate the need for leadership fundamentals
"I work here because I get free food. My job is not that interesting. My boss is a mess. The organization does not have a coherent strategy. The work I do is unappreciated. The culture encourages short-term work over long-term value. Turnover feels high. Nobody really...
Leaders regularly do the MVA when they are best
"Do your most valuable activity (MVA) when you are best." This is my paraphrase of a quote from Daniel Pink. I listened to a podcast episode from him today. Pink's latest book is When: The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing. We spend a lot of time figuring out what...
Future leaders build trust
The article said, "...erode trust on a daily basis." This is the key phrase. And, this is probably the most underrated phrase in the 1,000 word article (Article here--> It is true that trust can completely vanish in one drama filled...
The Wall ensures we only get the very best from you
After months or years of pushing and grinding and sweating and editing and sacrificing and moving and changing and waiting and deriding and pleading you think you have finally finished. You think you have finally done all that could be done. You think every box has...
A different kind of entrance interview might end up changing how you recruit
We have all heard of exit interviews, right? Somebody has decided to leave your organization and, before they go, some analyst in HR asks them questions about their departure. Pending the person who is leaving is not cray-cray, they will typically provide some...
How Future Leaders can win in a time of more opportunities
Often, it's not that I don't know what to do, it's that I can't seem to settle on what's next. This seems to be a problem that has grown in recent years. Too many things I could be doing makes deciding what to do next a challenge. Some days I allow whatever is yelling...
Relax, you got this
If you are the type of person who gets things done by their due dates, then take a moment to breathe and trust that all the things you need to do will get done by their due dates. Ever try doing this? You know, simply trusting yourself to get it done despite how...
Leaders understand that they do the work for themselves
I saw poet and author David Whyte several days ago. He spoke for an hour and a half to probably 1,000 of us that packed into the venue. I overheard one woman say that she had driven up from Portland, Oregon (3-4 hour drive) to attend. When I was recounting the evening...
Future Leaders leverage limitations for competitive advantage
Here's what the research says: as you approach 50 hours per week, your productivity drops sharply. And, as you approach 55 hours per week, your productivity nose dives. Classic illustration of diminishing marginal returns. The research implies, obviously, that we only...
Job hopping is a signal
A Business Insider article I just read noted that Millennials have been "dubbed the 'job-hopping' generation." Then they note that, Generation Z, the generation just younger than the Millennials, appears to be following the same path. I have a problem with the term...