Create High Performance Teams
Build Next Generation Leadership Skills
Know You Are Doing It Right!
How can leadership stay the same?
Generational Churn
For three decades the Baby Boomer generation (age 54-75) has been the largest and most influential generation in the workplace. Their influence is ending. We are in the midst of an epic power transition as Baby Boomers retire and more Millennials and Gen Z enter the workforce. The Millennial generation (age 22-39) is now the largest generation represented in the workplace. The informal power shift that is playing out in slow motion in all organizations has created a special kind of friction. How do we lead during this transition?
Technological Change
Technology has finally reached a point on its evolutionary timeline that it’s changing what our jobs are and how we do them. The human role in the workplace is permanently shifting. We are moving from certain repetitive tasks to uncertain and creative projects. We are moving from applying static procedures to solving complex problems. How do we lead in this new environment?
This book will show you how to lead through
generational and technological change
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The Future Leader Book in 3 Parts
Part I
The Case for the Future Leader
How can we use the same leadership when the fundamentals of every organization are changing? We can’t.
Through case studies, statistics, trends, and analysis you will understand exactly how leadership has fallen short of expectations, and the stunning consequences of underperforming leadership.
Part II
The Future Leadership Framework
Part I analyzed the problem. Part II gets to the solution. What skills should we be focusing on as leaders that will combat the two primary pressures? What are the essential skills of the future workplace?
Part III
Future Leader Quick Start Guide
Part I examined the problem and Part II provided a solution. Part III helps leaders put the skills of the Future Leader Framework into action with an integrative Quick Start Guide.